Postage is over 60% of the cost of your direct mail campaign, and our mission is to get you the most out of every penny you spend. We’re experts in postal regulations (we helped write many of them) and postal logistics, and we’re proud to offer commingling and single-stream capabilities that make us leaders in the industry.
(Sectional Center Facility — deeper in the mail stream, which qualifies for the lowest possible postage and most predictable delivery)
With paper and postage costs on the rise, Postal Optimization and logistics can make or break your campaign. As a one-to-one performance improvement marketing partner, IWCO has the most efficient Postal Optimization strategy in the country.
Here’s how we do it:
Along with the right tools, we have the experience to know when to use each in order to drive the greatest postage savings, helping improve your overall marketing ROI. We take full advantage of the wealth of data available through Informed Visibility to provide improved management of in-home delivery, better reporting, and more transparency for your mailing programs.
We also assist with mail file performance by evaluating deliverability of individual records. Through this analysis, we can provide data-driven recommendations to your mail file for improvements to delivery and response rates.
Results are top-of-mind throughout the entire process — from creative design to printing and production to reporting tools and analysis. Combined with our industry-leading digital print platforms, our Postal Optimization strategies allow you to deliver the right message to the right audience at the right time while optimizing postage and delivery.
7951 Powers Boulevard
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: (952) 474-0961
65 Steamboat Drive
Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: (215) 672-6900
100 Industrial Drive
Hamburg, PA 19526
Phone: (610) 562-1000
Contact us today to learn more about how we can deliver innovative, creative, and data-driven solutions that drive measurable results for your unique business.